Not only is Vista Replicas no longer active, they managed to take quite a few space modeler's payments without delivering the promised 1/32 LM kits. A few kits were delivered to a few of the lucky early purchasers, but many modelers got burnt. Fortuneately, I was about to order their 1/32 Surveyor kit when everything hit the fan, so I missed out on the fun.
However, all is not lost! Accurate Models is planning on releasing a 1/32 LM kit in the future. Here's their web site with the relevant info: I have a copy of their Saturn V F-1 engine and it is really stunning! Most likely, their 1/32 LM will be the kit to beat.
Have fun modeling!
c3po wrote: |
The only one that I know of would be Vista Replicas 1/32 Lunar Module. It is supposed to be a very accurate Resin+ kit from what I have read about it. If it is still made (came out around 1999) you could only get it direct from Vista, things may have change since then.
The following info may be out of date. Someone else here may have updated information.
Vista Replicas (1/32 Lunar Module; 1/144 & 1/100 Skylab; 1/144 MirSpace Station) 20A Clarence Road Croydon, Surry CRO 2EN England Tel: 0181 684-9049 E-mail: