A problem with one of the Reader tips...
I was thumbing through the December issue of FSM, right? And, I was checking one of my favorite sections, the reader's tips! I found one tip that I especially loved, and that was how I could get adhesive foil FOR FREE!(the kit-kat foil tip, just to clarify it!)
I've had a few snags, though...
First off, they no longer sell kit-kats in those cool foil wrappers anymore. Now, they sell them in sealed foil packages.
But, I got past that one by buying one of those huge hershey's chocalate bars!
Now, however, I have a new snag. I tried scraping the paper off with a knife(like the tip instructed), but that just made holes in the foil. I tried seperating the foil and paper with a knife, but the paper was too sticky, and would just peel off in spots.
Finally, I tried burning the paper off with a match, and this got it off! However, it must burn off the adhesive as well, because then the foil doesn't stick to anything!!
So, my conundrum is, how the
do I get the paper off, but leave the adhesive? Is there any chemical I can use that'll loosen the paper from the foil, but not destroy the adhesive? Will simply heating the foil loosen the paper, rather than burning it off? What should I do?
Also, if there is no way to save the adhesive, what adhesive should I put on the back? White glue? Future? Maybe silicone glue?