So, I'd been experimenting with different products trying to figure out how to make some small windows for the photo recon version of Revell's old 1/48 P-38 kit. Really had been let down by most of the ones DESIGNED to do that, so I tried something else and I had success with it, so I wanted to relay it to you all.
I'd tried Micro's window maker, Testors Clear Parts Glue/Window Maker, Elmer's, and custom cutting clear styrene to fit. None worked the way I wanted it to. So next I tried Mod Podge, seeing's how it dries clear also.
What I did was put a piece of Scotch tape on the "outside" facing part of the styrene (what would be the outside of the fuselage) and burnished it down around the hole. Then, on the "inside", I filled it with Mod Podge, slightly overfilling so that it overflowed a bit and took on a rounded hump appearance. I let it dry for a day, came back, peeled off the tape, and voila! a window! Clear enough to see your fingerprint on your finger from the other side. An added bonus is that tho the Mod Podge shrinks when it dries, it's still thick enough in the hole so that it does not pull off with the tape when you pull the tape off. I had tried this same method with the other products, and that's exactly what they did-pull off with the tape. They dried too thin.
So anyway, this may or may not have been done before, but I just wanted to relay my experience so that it may help a fellow modeler down the road.