Yes, I have. The best technique I've found to install these tiny little things (in 1/350 scale ) is put a little medium thick CA glue on a post it note and use a tacky pick-up tool to dip the port hole into the glue and install it on the model. It ain't easy to get the thing aligned with the drilled port hole in the model but once the CA is set,the pick-up tool comes right off.
I make my own tacky pick-up tool by diping a tooth pick into a waxy substance called Drumstck Wax made by Zildjian . You can find it at any music store or at way cheaper than buyng the pre made pick up tools at your LHS. Actually, as a musician, I already had the Drumstick wax on hand.
Another glue to try is a product I just got called Gator Grip Acrylic Hobby glue. I got it by mail from the mfg. by Google ing it on the inter web.