Hi Everyone, First Post, Thanks for Helping.
I am customizing a toy drum and making it into a "real" drum.
It is a "Mastro" from the 60's.
The shell is in 2 pieces. It is 2, 12 5/8" diameter tubes about 3" in depth and about 1/8-3/16" thick.
I would like to "weld" these 2 pieces together so that the 2 parts become one and resonate together. So I want to cover the entire thickness (1/8-3/16") with compound to ensure a full connection to the 2 halfs.
So application time is a factor. I need about 1-2 minutes to apply weld liquid to get around the circumference. So it cannott up too fast.
I have been looking for a "glue". Looked at Same Stuff from Micro mart.
Have heard about MEK.
What do you guys think would be the best product to use to fuse these 2 halves together?
The drum is gloss red and I want to keep the seam very clean with no overspill out to the finished surfaces.
Thank You Very Much
green glass drum
PS: can we post pics on this forum?