I use stretched sprue taken from the kit I’m working on and use Japanese liquid cement on the seams. So long as the sprue melts down into the seam completely, rescribing is no problem, and I have yet to get “ghost” seams reappearing.
The first time I tried this, the kit had massive low spots at the join lines, so I kept laying strands of stretched sprue and sanding between applications until the join was level. I scribed lost panel lines through this mess and had no trouble with chipping or changes in hardness. I didn’t use strip plastic as the kit surface was very uneven. I build really slow, so this kit has sat with a coat of primer for several years, and no ghost seams so far.
Personally, I would not cut a vee groove at join lines, as it just makes for more work. My mantra is “more test fitting, less seam filling”.