Hi Ya'll;
I have read threads about buying old, older and oldest models. I do this a lot, mainly to save money on hulls. You see, I don't care if it's all there if I am going to convert the thing. Anyway, there's a reason for this post.
There is a problem with buying models this way. They may have been in the Attic for years. Some Warp, some Crack, some just plain try to Crystalize or come close. The point is, there is a problem with plastic. Plastic is a temperature sensitive material. It's made with heat. Lotsa heat, it is a liquid! It wants to go there again.
Well, there's a great selection out there. BUT, they may be significantly damaged. Many are molded with the material flows into the mold from a central point. This is the solution to a much more complex mold. Now there's a situation there that's inherent. The plastic flows in the cavities like a glob poured into a flat surface.
So, over the years it is under surface tension when exposed to heat again. Then it tries to separate at a flaw. Hence, a crack at the weakest point. This requires simple, but, severe repair. Some don't. These have been the case with the Airfix "E " boats which have ideal hulls for my purpose. Guess what? They work, as and if you handle them carefully. Why? The hulls are molded in halves
I think the extra work in repairing these is okay, given how much dollars I have saved in buying these heat damaged items. That's what I am looking at now for a large hull to convert to a super tanker from an aircraft carrier( Enterprise, in 1/350).It's priced at $15.00. and look at all the extra parts I have!