I can't do it. I've tried so hard, and yet the future never is right when I'm done. I've read Swanny's article, his site, and the Sticky Future thread hundreds of times. I just can't seem to get this crap to work well for me. When I spray it, it just "Self Levels" and gathers towards the bottom of my model. It's driving me
crazy!!!! Even when I brush it on, it does the same damn stupid thing. Anyone who could just tell me how they spray it in their AB, would be fantastic. Do you do one light coat.....wait a day and spray again? Or do you spray a few light coats with a few minutes in between? Do you ever do a heavy "Wet" coat? How many coats of Future do you put on your model before you decal?? And how many days do you let it fully cure? Thanks everyone, hopefully I can master this crap soon!!!!