Hey guys, for what it's worth...I've had a TON of success with Castrol's Super Clean...can be found in auto supply stores. I've hit a bunch of old models with this stuff and it will totally break down coats of paint without marring the surface detail. I've worked on ship decking, aircraft surfaces and old car models. The best part: it's biodegradable, no fumes, and models can be washed up with basic soap/H2O. What I normally do is soak/bathe a part/parts in a plastic milk container (cut in half) filled with Super Clean for 15-30 mins (longer for thicker, older coats of paint) and simply WIPE off the old paint, and in the case of hard-to-reach places, I'll hit it with an old toothbrush, and with a few strokes, I'm good to go! And don't flush that stuff down the drain---it can be reused a few times too!