QUOTE: Originally posted by ajlafleche
Works ok for nice even numbers of feet, but when you star dealing with 5 feet 7 inches, the result is 1.3958 inches. Even rounding it up to 1.4 inches is hard because most rulers do not have 1/10 inch markings.
true, but the problem is more w/ the divisor (scale) than the system.
another issue is how close you can go w/ your cutting and or gluing.
can you work to a millimeter? that is very close to 1/32 of an inch.
at 1/24 that puts you within 3/4" of an inch on the 1:1
at 1/32 you are +/- an inch
at 1/35 about 1.1 inches
at 1/48 1.5 inches
at 1/72 2.25 inches
is that close enough? i suppose the nearest 1/64 of an inch would be
"twice as close" if you can measure, cut & locate to that precision.
anyway, your example of 1.3958 inches is very close to 1 25/64
(no, i don't have those decimals memorized. i made a chart in a spreadsheet
it would also be 'between 12 and 13 thirty-seconds')
my point is that you can 'get by' w/ a decent 'English' ruler.
OR, you could convert to inches, convert that to millimeters
(by multiplying by 25.4)
and then divide THAT by the scale.
so - 5'7" = 67" = 1701.8mm
1/48 scale = 35.4542 mm
but you are still left trying to cut or glue or measure to some precision.
i would not fixate too much on the stuff too far to the right of the decimal point.
in the example above i would think 35.5 mm would be adequate.
the 'error' would be less than 2.2 mm on the full size item.