Last night I was playing around with my Mig 29, and had a brain wave about making the raised panel lines stand out.
I loaded the ab with some enamel paint and traced the raised lines.
Got home from work tonight and gave the body a spray with some acrylic paints.
After about an hour, I grabbed a Qtip, dipped it in some acrylic thinner, and LIGHTLY went over the raised panel lines.
Allowing for the fact I was only testing this theory, it turned out pretty well.
With a bit more patience, and a lighter touch, I reckon this will make rescribing panels only necessary when I absolutely have to.
I'm curious aqs to whether anyone else has played around with this idea, and if so how did theirs turn out?
I have a Japanese Mavis covered in rivets I've been putting off because of the scribing thing, and this may just work for that too.