I myself am trying to model water. I have been searching the web aimlessly for days.
There is a product out called realistic water, ez water, made by woodland scenics. The problem i'm having is they only recomend you pouring 1/8th inch deep. Now this would be fine for smaller scale models but larger scale it just isn't enough, no matter what you can do with shading and other eye tricks.
I am looking for a product that i can pour at least an inch or two deep. even if i have to do it in increments, i don't mind the time it will take i just don't want a clowdy haze to form between layers.
I remember a product that was out a few years ago, for kids.... it was a small fish tank that you add real water and this packet of dust and it turns the water into gel, and you can stick in fake fish and stuff, add bubbles, the works. This would be a great product, but my concerns would be does it melt like jello does after a while, can it be sealed to keep it's form?
I am modeling a beach scene with a water fall. The layout is 2' x 4' x 6" ... my water fall is 4'' tall, 2' wide and about 16'' long, the beach is about 2' x 2' tapered to nothing, like a real beach. with an open area to fill with water i am trying to get a depth of an inch and a half. The top of the water i would like to get waves, and ripple effects as well. Perhaps a few surfers in there.
Any ideas folks?