Making a vacuum former is really easy and inexpensive. Go to Radio Shack and get a circuit experiments board (not sure exactly what they are called - its a board with hundreds of small holes spaced very close together. You'll know it when you see it.) Then find a sturdy box or tupperware container that's the same size as the board and cut a hole in it to fit the hose on your vacuum cleaner (should be a tight fit). Duct tape the board to the box and plug in the vac hose.
Attach whatever you are trying to duplicate to the board (soft or flimsy parts may need to be supported with modelling clay, newspaper, etc.) Then make a wooden frame and staple your sheet plastic to it. Adjust the size of the frame to the part you want to duplicate allowing at least 50% more area than the master. Duct tape over the holes in the board not covered by the frame.
Take the whole mess into the kitchen and gently heat the plastic sheet over a burner until it starts to sag (wear potholders!), turn on the vacuum and quickly push the frame over your master and into contact with the board. After the plastic cools, turn off the vacuum and ... there you go! A vacuum formed part.
"Trust no one; even those people you know and trust." - Jack S. Margolis