Hello all!!
I have a little problem that I am sure has been dealt with before. But as I am new to the forum here, I thought I would ask anyway!
I have been trying to make my panely lines stand out for more time than i would care to admit. One method I have OFTEN read about is to use a wash to get the paint into the panel lines. Now everytime I see this done, I see a picture of the method having the paint wash freshly applied. I have been told to just use the wash as a paint, and just run the brush down the panel line. The problem I have is that my models come out looking like that in the pictures, with a lot of wash running on either side of the panel line and in the panel line! I have read that what needs to be done is to take a clean cloth or a Q tip and rub off the excess paint.
Now for THE PROBLEM!!! If I wait to long the wash dries and the panel that I was wanting to just show the line of, looks like a smug covered piece of junk! If I try to take the excess paint off while it is wet, I generally have the problem of taking ALL the paint off leaving me in the same place I started (with a flat looking piece of plastic!)
How do I do this method to make just the panel line stand out without taking all the paint off or having to repaint the model? How long should I wait before trying to remove the excess? How do I remove the excess without losing everything? Do I have to scribe the panel lines deeper just to get the paint into them well enought to do it?
Also, what kind of wash thickness should I have. I have been thinning it from really thick paint, to just about a whole milk consistency, to just about a skim milk consistency, to almost looking like weak gatorade!
I haven't been able to get this panel line stuf down and I am tired of making airplanes that look "flat."
Thank you to all that can help ease my suffering!!!