next they'll tell me the laquer thinner i had to use to scrub the paint splattered model-room floor at my old (recently vacated) house is bad for me! sheeeesh!!!!
Just kidding - in all seriousness, I was actually referring to the way the fumes just hung in the air well AFTER spraying and seemed to permeate the entire house for hours even with all the ventilation and open windows I could muster.... not that it was incapacitating, but I could still smell them and it don't smell good!!! As I'm not so keen on wearing a respirator while watching baseball on my sofa, I now prefer the acryl product which seems to have less potent (and less stubborn) fumes....
It was the way they hung around that struck me as unhealthy - unless you and whoever else happens to be in the house (roommates, family, guests) is going to wear respirators for the rest of the day....