QUOTE: I get mine from the office supply place and they are used for drafting, They come in different sizes and I currently use the 0 2-0 and 3-0 pens, they are refillable using black drafting ink but I have filled them with other colors for different uses. They are not to expensive either.
Some of them are quite expensive. I suspect the ones you have are Koh-I-Noor Rapidograph pens since they are the most popular. I used them a lot back when I spent time on a drafting board, and they have (or at least used to have) a couple of different tip styles for different media. The jewel tips were quite expensive (on the order of $25 each back in the mid 70's) whereas the stainless steel tips were relatively inexpensive (something like $8 or so back then).
Be SURE to clean them thoroughly after use as the smaller ones are very difficult to clean if you get dried ink (or thined paint) down in the tubes.
An alternative would be an adjustable drafting pen. These consist of two stainless steel nibs with a screw that can be used to adjust the distance between them. I know that several people around here use them and they work quite well and are easy to clean.