Swanny: Greetings from a mechanical engineer in Cincinnati, in the opposite corner of Ohio from you. I love your site, particularly your "Tools and Tips" section. I often refer people there when I recognize a problem that you've addressed.
I am in a bit of a pickle, sort of. I am building a 1/48 Hasegawa F-14D (I know your interest is WWII stuff), and I have no idea how I'm going to mask the wheel wells prior to painting the overall a/c colors. I anticipate that the nose gear well will get stuffed with tissues or TP, dampened, and perhaps a portion of the main wells, too. Here's a photo of the main gear well area:
The area towards the rear of the plane, the smaller, narrower portion, I don't even know where to begin. How would you attack masking that area? In the photo above, there is a part not yet installed, in that narrow area, just above the intake trunk.
I would appreciate any help you (or anyone else) can give me. I have your site bookmarked, it's second only to FSM, I visit it often. I'm going to post a "general help" thread, and ask the admin to make it "sticky". Basically it will be "for help with just about any model building problem go to Swanny's site".
Thanks again.
Mitchell Cooke