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BB's - your painting friends

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  • Member since
    November 2005
BB's - your painting friends
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, September 14, 2003 9:20 AM
If you are one of those modelers who shakes their paint bottles to mix the paint before use ( rather than opening the bottle and stirring ), here is a tip for you - drop 3 or 4 BB's into your paint jar. It acts much like a rattle can in that it gives you something within the bottle to aid in stirring the paint.
lowdog Cool [8D]
  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Cornebarrieu (near Blagnac), France
Posted by Torio on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 6:17 PM
And if you are using Humbrol or the like ( metal cans) just remeber to make a little paint mark on the can you "treated" with BB's as to not put two more, and again, ... as BB's don't flow very well through airbrushes ( I once put two BB's three times, don't laugh, it's very heavy to manage).
This method matches very well with electric paint shakers (Hobart I think) you find at Micromark.

Thank you all for coming José

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, September 18, 2003 6:25 PM
hey good tip guys! i always see big "never shake your paint" warnings for various reasons but i still always do because, frankly, stirring is too slow and takes too i'm gonna have to find me som bb's
  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Cornebarrieu (near Blagnac), France
Posted by Torio on Thursday, September 18, 2003 7:22 PM
The warning applies only to nitroglycerine paint. You can shake as long as your lid is correctly set to the can or bottle.

Thank you all for coming José

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, September 20, 2003 6:05 AM
You can also use zinc split shot sinkers....I have found them to be better agitator balls than bb's. Get them at Wallyworld cheap. because of the heavy metal hazard considerations today you can't get the good copper bb's any more, and have to get the copperclad scratch in the copper coat and you will end up with rust which can tint your paint. No problem with the spit shot sinkers however.

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