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I think my fuselage twisted??

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  • Member since
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  • From: Columbus, OH
Posted by chef_ben on Saturday, December 1, 2007 1:09 PM

Well, I appreciate everyones input so I actually cut the wings off and tried refitting without the tabs.  I even cut the antenna off so I could see the angle better.  Eventually I took it over to the LHS and the problem is in the kit and with a significant amount of time, money, and effort I will be unable to correct this issue.  The difference is almost 1 in. so I have just gotten my first airbrushing test model and my first set of spare decals....

 Once again thanks for all the help!


On the workbench: 1/48 Spitfire Mark II (Revell) - rethinking this situation! 1/48 Eduard Pfalz D.IIIa - 2%
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Posted by Camojoe2 on Saturday, December 1, 2007 1:01 PM

 I have the same Revell kit. I test fitted the wings/fuselage for dry fit, and found something similar to what you have.

 It probably won't help you now, but what I did was remove the laocator tabs that are molded into the wings. These tabs make contact with the fuselage, I suppose to set the dihedral. Once these tabs were removed, I was able to shift the fuselage around enough to correct the out of alignment problem.


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Posted by HawkeyeHobbies on Friday, November 30, 2007 9:16 AM
Take a couple measurements. Wing tip to top of the tail. The distances should be the same. If they aren't you'll know that the fuselage is askew. It looks to me as the tail aft of the cockpit pulls to the (pilots) left. Some surgery will be needed to adjust this since it is already glued together. It might require a slice with a razor saw along a vertical panel line to remove some material then recement it back together. The amount of correction will determine what amount of kerf the saw cut will require. Either way it will be a whole lot of work.

Gerald "Hawkeye" Voigt



"Its not the workbench that makes the model, it is the modeler at the workbench."

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Posted by chef_ben on Friday, November 30, 2007 9:06 AM
shame on me more its the Revell kit....wish I had picked the Tamiya one
On the workbench: 1/48 Spitfire Mark II (Revell) - rethinking this situation! 1/48 Eduard Pfalz D.IIIa - 2%
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Posted by rjkplasticmod on Friday, November 30, 2007 8:46 AM

Using the verticl lines on the boards in the background as a reference, it appears to me that the fuselage is OK, but the wing & radio mast are both skewed to the aircrafts right.  The large gap at the right front join between the bottom of the right wing & fuselage also indicates that as the problem with the wing.  If this is the 1/48 Hasegawa Spitfire kit, it's known to have the wing fit as an issue.  If it's the Tamiya kit, shame on you!! Big Smile [:D]

Regards,  Rick



RICK At My Age, I've Seen It All, Done It All, But I Don't Remember It All...
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Posted by Gigatron on Friday, November 30, 2007 8:03 AM

Well, I see a larger gap on the port side wing, than there is on the starboard side.  The gap could be making the plane list to one side when balanced on the paint jars.

And it could be that the forward aerial isn't 100% perpendicular to the centerline and is leaning to the starboard side, making the tail look as if it's twisted to the port side.

Just a few places to start looking.

I'd find it extremely hard to believe that both sides twisted aft of the canopy after being assembled.  For that amount of twisting, it would have had to been exposed to enough heat to soften the plastic and enough torque to twist it.  Something you'd notice before now.



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  • From: Columbus, OH
Posted by chef_ben on Friday, November 30, 2007 7:15 AM

Sorry....should have posted one to begin with.  This is the best shot I have showing the angle problem:




On the workbench: 1/48 Spitfire Mark II (Revell) - rethinking this situation! 1/48 Eduard Pfalz D.IIIa - 2%
  • Member since
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Posted by ModelNerd on Thursday, November 29, 2007 9:49 PM

How about a few photos of the problem? That's probably the best place to start.


- Mark

  • Member since
    November 2007
  • From: Columbus, OH
I think my fuselage twisted??
Posted by chef_ben on Thursday, November 29, 2007 9:45 PM

Could use some advice here.  It would appear that my kit has twisted rear of the cockpit somehow.  Big problem is that its all glued together.  Anyone have any suggestions on how to correct this?  At the same time does anyone ave any tips on how to verify thats what the problem is?  When I look at it one way it looks like this is the problem but when I look from another point of view it looks like the wings are miss aligned...Any ideas?



On the workbench: 1/48 Spitfire Mark II (Revell) - rethinking this situation! 1/48 Eduard Pfalz D.IIIa - 2%

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