A way to stop tiny bits flying around or breaking and fogging.
I had in the past broken bits that are too long and thin and little bits flown away. This morning i slightly fogged a canopy which was attached in such a thick sprue that could be used for structural member in a bridge...
then by watching a documentary i got the idea of cutting underwater in the sink or a kettle, tupperware etc. The result was to straight clean cut without a trace of fogging due to shear. The water acted as a nice shock absorber.....By the way any idea how to restore the clear,it has tinted a oin head size fogging in the junction of the canopy frame half of it at the clear half on the frame....lets hope i can fit a rail, roll bar etc in that point....
If fog has gone throughout the section is drilling and clear drop a solution? or melt clear plastic at this point?