i have tested out the alclad II chrome. i have used both tamiya black gloss and the alclad II black gloss as the undercoat. but i still have not tried any enamel black gloss. probably the smart thing i should have done.
is it just me or did anyone else failed to see alclad II being "True Chrome?"
i have heard great things about this stuff but experience shows how "okay" the chrome finish is. i don't know if enamel has something to do with it.
the chrome finish that i have seen on the net are pretty decent. at least better than my results. they actually have a "shine." mine doesn't. i give 3 light coats of black gloss. and 3 ligh coats of alclad chrome. but it comes out more like aluminum foil. it has very little reflective characteristics and very little shine. at least not as good as everyone else's, or how they say it turned out.
has anyone have "really good" results with alclad chrome? i mean, how do they give those "shiny" looks to the chrome finish? people say, no buffing or clear coating is necessary. but in my experience shows that they need some great amount of touch ups. but i don't know how to do it.
everytime i try to practice chrome painting, it turns out very dull. i have tried to paint on top of actual plastic and metal that already has a black gloss finish. the reflectiveness was pretty good but the shininess, that's another story. it's is really fogged.
i have heard differenct things about the results though. i've read somewhere that alclad chrome is more easier and faster than actually sending out the parts to be proffessionally chrome plated by vacuum metalizing.
well this is true if people are satisfied with okay chrome.
is there a way to make "Real Chrome" without having to send them out? i would think there is no way to recreate true chrome without an actual machine.
i have also used micromesh. now this was a total waste of money. it nearly scrapes off half of the paint that was applied. and i tried to rub the clothes on top of the chrome finish. it actually makes it 3 times worse than it was.
i guess i'll just have to settle with aluminum instead chrome.