Sounds like, as you mentioned, tip dry.
I use Pollyscale, and I had fits with it until I got some help from Triarius. Some of this may help with MM Acryl.
I used to shoot it straight like you mentioned- you gotta thin the paint. The rule of thumb is to the consistency of 2% milk. It's hard to declare a strict ratio- it'll vary by bottle and even how much paint is left in the bottle. A way to see what 2% consistency is to pour some 2% milk in a mixing cup and see what it looks like. Sounds simplistic but it worked for me.
Also- add some acrylic retarder to your thinner. This can help. And Ithink the MM Acryl thinner is alchohol based (though I am not sure). That would make it dry fast, so maybe an alternative thinner? Not sure if water, like for Pollyscale, would work? Maybe Windex?
Another thing that really helped for me was to lower the air pressure. I normally shoot at about 8-10 psi froma gravity fed brush.
Try adding some needle lube to the needle.
Keep something handy to clean the needle in while you are working. I take a cotton ball, stick it in a soda cap, and soak it with Windex. If I do get some tip drying, I stick the end of the AB in that.
As for the cup bubbling- that could be a by-product of the tip dry, since you said it happens only at higher pressures, but I'm not real sure what to advise there.
Hope some of this helps you out. I know how frustrating it can be. I almost gave up on Pollyscale until Triarius came to the rescue.
Jon Bius Modeling with a Higher purpose
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~ Jeremiah 29:11