These are not my favorite paints. I only use them if I have no other choice. I only use acrylics by the way and these are my least favorite. They are not the easiest to brush paint with....they aren't the easiest to do anything with. lol But it is doable. Very inconsistent paint. If you are brush painting with them make sure that you have a good primer on your subject, make sure the paint is well stired, If the paint looks too thick thin with water, alcohol, or winddex window cleaner and paint in thin coats and build up your paint.
If dry brushing you shouldn't have to thin it. Just wipe all the paint off your brush on a paper towel then hit the high areas on your subject.
If you are going to airbrush them, again shouldn't have to thin too much. Normally I am able to just take it from the bottle and drop it straight into my airbrush. I keep a wet q-tip around to dab off any paint build up on the tip of the airbrush. But this isn't alway the case. Hope this helps.