"…but I'm looking for a solution for an enthusiastic amateur,…"
We are all "enthusiastic amateurs."
"What is best" depends on who you ask. The best person to ask is yourself—after you've tried a few things. I use acrylics almost exclusively. Others, as already stated, use enamels almost exclusively. Note the "almost" in those sentences.
You really do have to decide yourself what works best for you. Not that getting recommendations is a bad idea—but Your Mileage May (WILL!) Vary.
Acrylics are easier and cheaper to clean up (Windex! Simple Green!) They dry faster but cure more slowly. Surfaces to be painted with acrylics have to be much cleaner than those painted with enamels because enamel solvents will dissolve small amounts of skin oils, release agents, plasticizers, and other surface contaminants. (Polly Scale has the best adhesion of any acrylic hobby paint I have tried.) Enamels have a universal solvent: mineral spirits. Acrylics usually use either distilled water or isopropyl alcohol as solvents. These solvents are slightly less hazardous than the solvent systems for enamels. YOU SHOULD NOT REGARD ACRYLICS AS NONTOXIC. They are, at best, less toxic than enamels.
Acrylics are more forgiving of mistakes, therefore easier to learn with. Botch the paint job? Dump the model into a bath of Windex, wait an hour, rinse, dry, start over.
Airbrushes are not magic. Using one is 50% science, 50% art, and 100% practice. Just do the math.…
I can think of at least twenty things I have tried for masking, and others of similar or greater experience could probably name more. The only liquid mask I like is the one made by Walthers. For solid masks, also try Frisket film, Parafilm, Sticky Notes, Shurtape Razor Edge Gold Premium Painters Tape, Nexcare Waterproof First Aid Tape, plastic electrical tape, Silly Putty, …and the list goes on. And yes, there are some situations in which one of the above is better than the others. Find what works for you.
And remember that whatevery you use, and whatever technique you try, you absolutely MUST hold your mouth right……………