Airbrushing or brush painting, yellow is one of the more difficult colours to use (along with white and red).
If it's running, it could be one (or a combination) of the following:
- Painting too close to the surface
- Too high a paint flow
- Air pressure too high
- Paint mixed too thinly
When airbrushing, there's no rule which says that you have to achieve full coverage first time every time. If your paint is going on translucent, it will require several light passes to build colour depth. Some colours, like the aforementioned yellow and red, will benefit from a white primer coat, particularly if the base colour of the styrene is dark.
It would also be helpful to establish what actual model of airbrush you have, because as far as I am aware, there's no "300". There is a "200" which is a single-action, internal-mix brush and a "350" which is a single-action external mix unit.