I've used both cheap hardware store thinner as well as ModelMaster Airbrush Thinner. Actually, that was one of the reasons I decided to experiment with buying ModelMaster Airbrush Thinner. I thought that the generic thinner might be fine for airbrushing, but not so good for long term storage of thinned paints, while the brand specific thinner might allow for long term storage. In my case, it hasn't worked out that way.
What happens with my thinned enamels, is that the paint pigments settle out so there is a clear layer of thinner on top with the heavy paint below. Once that happens, even if I stir the two layers together, it seems as though the pigment particles stay clumped together no matter how much shaking and stirring I do. If I try and airbrush the stuff, it just clogs the airbrush and never does paint right.