Methyl should work just as well as Isopropyl (isopropanol, or propanol) when thinning acrylics, or cleaining up afterwards. Rubbing alcohol is isopropyl at about 70% concentration (remainder is water). Totally adequate for airbrushing.
Methyl alcohol (methanol) is used in such things as windshield washer fluids (lowers the freezing point of water) and is also good for airbrushing acrylics. It evaporates a little faster than isopropyl. Wear gloves, since methanol can be absorbed into the blood stream through intact skin as well as inhaled.
You'll find ethyl alcohol/ethanol (maybe) at your local ABC store. This is the stuff you drink. If you can find the pure stuff (In some areas pure ethanol is a controlled substance and probably the most expensive), it should be OK for airbrushing. It might be better to find denatured alcohol, which is a mixture of methanol and ethanol. It's usually available at the local hardware store. Ethanol is the slowest evaporating of the three.
When spraying alcohols, make sure you have plenty of ventilation, a respirator, spray booth--or whatever controls needed to keep you from inhaling the vapors. In addition, alcohol fires can be quite dangerous, since the flame can be almost invisible. Don't spray around hot surfaces, or near sparks/open flame, and keep an extinguisher handy just in case.
Hope this helps.
Gip Winecoff
PS By the way, welcome to the forum family.
Hope you enjoy your stay here!