Thanks for the kind words on my artwork. I appreciate the compliments.
Actually I would like to build a spray booth for modelling, it is just hard figuring out how to go about doing that since we rent this house from my wife's uncle.
The T-shirt airbrush work I did is easier to filter as I just mount a boxfan above my easel and put a furnace filter on the front of it to catch the overspray.
I do use water-based acrylics for that so they are not near as toxic.
I am experimenting with acrylics for modelling also and did try out a little Model Master Acrylic Gunship Gray this evening which didn't spray too bad straight out of the bottle at about 18 psi with my Omni 4000.
No, I haven't spent any time around the F-15's as I never did go into the military. I always wanted to be a pilot and go to the academy at Colorado Springs but I fooled around in High School and received grades that would laugh me out of any pilot school.
I have just been a fighter plane nut since I was about 10 and the Eagle became my favorite modern fighter out of sheer respect for it's beauty and capability. I have seen a few at airshows at Travis AFB in Fairfield, CA which is about 90 minutes away from me. Travis is a C-5 and C-141 base by the way.
That sounds exciting being around them as you were. I am envious.
“Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not
to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools
for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know
how to use knowledge is to have wisdom. " Charles Spurgeon