I'm probably beating a dead horse with this topic but I would appreciate any input from modelers that have used both of these series.
For years , I painted using a Badger 200 with the bottom feed & paint cup. That worked pretty well for me though the brush I bought 20+ years ago was getting rough around the edges. A couple of years ago, I bought a 100G so I could move up to a double action brush. It certainly offered more control and I liked the gravity feed cup (I mainly use Vallejo acrylics nowadays) but I never got the hang of dual action and I miss the simplicity of single action. I mostly paint wargaming minitures so I am painting base coats, or painting camo with majic masker or templates though I might delve into some WWII aircraft again one day.
I wanted to pick up a new single action AB so here's where I was hoping you folks could help. The Badger 200G would be just like the brush I am used to but it would have the advantage of gravity feed. I also have a fair amount of Badger needles & parts that I might be able to use. However, I've read so much good about Iwata that I am tempted to make the switch. However, the compable single action Iwata is the SAR. The SAR doesn't have gravity feed.
I wanted to ask if the Iwata is that much better that it would be worth going back to siphon feed cups? By better, I don't mean painting super fine, but things like having less overspray, less paint feed problems, easier cleaning or backspray problems. As much as I liked Badger, I know I've had a lot of times where I ended up with bubbles apprearing in the paint cup. I would also have to buy an Iwata airhose and I'm not quite sure if the brass 1/4" adaptor that I use to attach my badger hose to the air compresser male fitting would work on an Iwata hose. The quick connect kits for Iwata seem very expensive but maybe I don't need one?
I'd certainly appreciate any advice for you folks that have actually used both these models or at least something comparable.