I can really comment on your specific brush as I am not familiar with it, but I don't know that the logic works? Yes double actions are slightly more complex to operate & strip, but not that much that it should really make a difference.
No matter what sort of brush you have, depending on what arrangements you have, you are still going to have to crash the compressor out, hook everything up, prep the paint, spray & clean / pack away at the end of shift. I don't really think weather the brush is single or double will make any noticeable difference here, although it is very possible that an easily maintained / cleaned airbrush as opposed to a tool requiring, fiddly & awkward brush will make a difference.
I assume that you paint by brush? I see some brush painted work occasionally that astounds me because it is so smooth & flawless & for these people I can understand why they feel the whole airbrush thing is "over equipping" & a waste of time & money. I am not one of these people & find the time / money spent in airbrushing to be well worthwhile - my airbrush gives me a finish that pleases me, whereas if I only had regular brushes, I would probably have gotten out of the hobby as quickly as I got back into it.
My first & current airbrush is a double action & I cant say I have ever thought "wish I had got a single". Bar a few more parts & much more control, there is little difference & considering where I am now, I am glad I didn't go single action as I suspect I would have pretty quickly been looking for a double action. I do all my painting with acrylic & do it beside a sink, so clean up is pretty effortless, l will admit that on my first few outings with my "trusty steed" I found the whole clean up thing a huge pain as I was treating the brush with Kidd gloves, but now that I am familiar with it & more confident, its a breeze - a full strip & clean up only takes a minute or two.
Maybe you are too good with a regular brush to see the benefits?
Maybe your airbrush isn't the easiest to maintain?
Maybe you haven't given yourself a chance to become familiar with it?
Maybe you need to do a bit of practice & then do a complete kit (primer, colors & clears) to see the benefits?
Maybe I talk too much?