Technical information you get from the internet is best viewed with a jaundiced eye…
Yes, they are nearly the same thing. However, "paint thinner" can, and often does, contain small amounts of other solvents besides mineral spirits. Odorless mineral spirits is a purer form, with much fewer contaminants that might mess up your paint.
Hobby paints are generally "higher tech" than the stuff you buy at the hardware or paint store to put on walls and lawn furniture, and less tolerant of contamination.
The price differential between "paint thinner" and odorless mineral spirits is trivial compared to the cost of your hobby paint. Look at the price tag on the paint. That's what, half an ounce? Multiply the price on the bottle by 256. That's the price of the paint per gallon, probably somewhere between $700 and $800 US. IMHO, using a solvent you know to be safe for the paint is worth it.
But yes, "paint thinner" will probably work. If not, have fun cleaning a clogged airbrush and throwing out a model you spent how many hours on?