First, what kind of paint are you using, and what type of airbrush?
With my Badger 100LG for example, just backing off a few more inches to about 6" distance, and pulling back a tad more on the trigger gives me sufficient coverage for most larger, wide surfaces. If I have a really big, monotonous area to spray, I break out the 155 Anthem, which has an even broader spray pattern when close to 'wide open.'
The other factor is paints. If you're thinning with distilled water and a drop of retarder, increasing distance shouldn't be much of an issue unless you are in a VERY dry, hot area (Texas, Arizona). If you are using enamels, or Tamiya thinned with alcohol, be careful of too much distance. If the paint begins to dry before reaching your subject, you'll get a grainy texture to your finish.
Me, I'd grab an empty milk jug, primer it with a rattle can, then do some experimenting with distance, trigger pull, and mixing ratio. I wouldn't change PSI much, if at all, as long as you're getting good atomization close-in.
Good Luck!
A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America," for an amount of "up to and including my life."