Well, this is just pure bad luck for me.
I have been working on a Revell F-14A Tomcat, and the build has been going good, and I went to paint it with Rustoleum Primer (my choice for light NAVY grey) and, Lo and behold, about an hour later, the paint is dry, but it seems to have expanded like that foam stuff you spray into the door-jam.
I tried sanding it off, but the paint clogged the sandpaper in a few secconds (and I also quit when I realized that I would have to re-scribe the wing pannels, something I've never done and rather not do) In adition to the expanding foam type problem, the paint also cracked, looking more like an old house insted of a super-sconic jet's wing. (I also painted a F-4 Phantom cocpit at the same time, before I knew about the problem, and the same thing happened to it)
Does anyone out there know of a way to remove a bad batch of Rustoleum Primer without harming the underlying plastic?