As had been said, use a quality tape & burnish the edges to further prevent bleed.
Build up light coats on the edge so that the masking doesn't get damp. Any dampness will increase the possibility of bleed.
Mask in a clean, fluff free area as any fluff / dust on the masking edge will prevent a good seal & again increase the risk of bleed.
Don't spray toward the masked edge, it will leave a ridge / step that will have to be removed. Spray from the masked side & don't be tempted to spray from the other side to ensure that paint gets into the edge properly, as it will inevitably get into the edge just that little bit too well.
For challenging curves consider using vinyl pinstriping tape (very flexible), or Parafilm M (even more flexible).
Artists low tack Frisket can be laid over your work, the pattern marked , the Frisket removed, cut & then applied. The same can be done with overlapping strips of masking tape, but the step in the overlap needs to be burnished well.