Sorry guys I was just trying to make a point. In this age of all this texting and stuff people forget that not everyone gets those little three or four letter jobbys. Meant no harm.
Yeah, a lotta times an FNG will wonder WTF and later find it's no BFD to ask, especially when it comes to doing stuff SOB....
Modeling's like the military ( or any other specialty work, police, firefighters, doctors, lawyers, welders, etc) in the realm of "jargon"... After you're in it a while, using abbreviations and acronymns is part of the language (I call it "Mil-Speak" when refering to military jargon, and I suppose in this hobby, one could call it Mod-Speak) and stuff like OOP, NMF, OD/NG, RLM, FS, and the rest of the modeling jargon is just second nature to modelers who've been doing it for any real length of time... Just like posts in here that may be more of a conversaation between a couple of vets who're working on the same or similar project... We're probably not going to explain anything that we're talking about to anyone else reading along, unless they ask... Lke if Redleg's working an M-102 diorama and I pipe on wih a story that he reminded me of, and something like this happens: "I see you did "that" with "this". How many times did you run across it or watch the OX get in FiDO's face about it when FDC was ate up and the FISTies were asleep on the hill while the PSGGB clowns weren't even in the hot loop yet?"
If ya wanna know, ya ask, and neither of us would take issue with answering, but we aren't gonna change the way we talk for that particular topic..
It's really up to the individual to ask what any particular bit of jargon means, rather than the "old hands" to explain everything in case ONE person may not know its meaning... Plus, there IS a glossary of modeling terms right here (Up above, put your cursor on the words, "How To", then click "Glossary" in the drop-down menu). Not everything's in there, but a lot IS, and FSM wants submissions from readers to help flesh it out further, BTW (whoopsie... I mean, By The Way)...
It's not however, meant for use as an internet glossary and ROFLMAO, FWIW, IIRC, IMHO/IMNSHO and other "Net-Speak" terms are not needed...