Hi Hercmech - Well, I sprayed the Future on the Mummy's sarcophagus, but I guess I got it on a little too heavy, as it ran.
So my question is this: How can I repaire the places where it ran? I know I should wait until it dries (I'm going to give it 2 - 3 days just to be sure). Then do I sand it down with fine (400 to 800 grit sandpaper and re-shoot? This time I'll get a ltiile farther away from the model, and DECREASE the air pressure more, and close up the needle a bit.
U'm all ears awaiting your suggestion. If you'd like, you may e-mail me at Wer4cubs@embarqmail.com.
Thank you in advance for all your help.
P.S. BTW, when I was "Deadheading" on the Herc, they'd start cranking the engines, and the rhythmic vibration would just put me to sleep - a bit on the cold side, but that's why they gave us jackets. :-)