PET PEEVE! Instrument panels with silver or white raised details!
Aircraft instruments DO NOT HAVE SILVER BEZELS! PERIOD! Those are for sports cars!
Anything within a cockpit that would reflect light or glare into the pilot's eyes is removed or painted to prevent it.
The markings are on the inside of the gauge face, inside of the bezel ring. When reducing a instrument face that has a line that is less than a 1/4" wide in reality down to 1:32 it would be finer than a human hair at .0078 something the human eye would never see.
Its a matter of contrasting blacks...flat with glossy or semi glossy. If you have a decal to represent the instrument face, you don't need to create a white or silver ring around it...they aren't that color!
So many otherwise great models are detracted by poorly done instrument panels. Subtle says more in scale!