Hi All; I have done a couple of builds using the masking tape and blade technique. Canopies of varying complexity. The method works well and can be quite time consuming. What I found was that if you, like me, work a workaday week, and leave the work for lengths at a time, that the tape began to mix or blend in a fashion with Future floor polish coat from dipping the canopy. And believe me the Future had plenty of time to dry as another week came and went after dipping. It appears to be a function of how long leaving that mildly sticky tape actually burnished onto the canopy surface.
Now, this was compounded by the time it took to mask the entire canopy before painting. Depending on the complexity, some tape work began to REALLY stick to the canopy with some pitting/distortion of the Future layer after painting and removing the tape. So, I recommend doing partial masking and get the frame painting done and off of the canopy in a reasonable amount of time. I am going to give this approach a go, because I have begun a 1/48 Heinkel He-111 with the whole nose bubble canopy to do. Talk about glutton for punishment! I have never tried a commercial Edouard type mask. Since the next kit I wish to tackle is the 1/48 Me 110 with the "greenhouse" canopy, maybe I'll try it.
If it works through OK maybe I'll post a followup with pics.
Spring Creek, NV