Is that the little pancake compressor? If so is it set up so you can add a regulator and moisture trap unit?
I use a Campbell-Hausfeld with a 1 gallon tank from Walmart (less than $100) with my 150. Only been using it for a year, but no problems.
Ah......sorry, not the pancake compressor. I've actually got the 2-gallon tank (it looks small in person) with the oilless compressor. Built-in regulator. It's quoted at about $100. I see that there's also a 3-gallon unit, with a bunch of attachments plus the built-in regulator. This one is quoted in the $80 range, but can't determine if it's oilless or not. I know I've seen either the 2 or 3 gallon recently at appears to be a regularly stocked item. Not sure about the pancake unit.
As for the moisture trap, I'm fortunate to not need one, but from what I've read they don't appear to be hard to install inline with the airhose.