I think I have solved my problems with Tamiya acrylics..
1. I realized i wasn't thinning them enough, I thinned them about 2:1 thinner to paint, which greatly improved everything.
2. My psi needed a little tweeking aswell, Phil had suggested between 12-15, I tried that and it just didn't work for me, so i settled on about 17-18 psi.
3. I was also probably holding the brush a bit far from the piece i was working on, i moved in a couple inches, and am training myself to hold it about 4 inches away minimum.
Luckily all of my mistakes were made on scrap models or scrap plastic, so nothing happened on the piece I was currently working on. Thank you for all the help! I now understand why people give so much praise to these paints, if you do everything right with them, they do wonders.