It's strange that it's gumming up, given that you're using Iso as a thinner.
I still use some Tamiya acrylics from about 1982-85, so it's (possible, but) unlikely to be an age issue. especially if the paints have not been subjected to extremes of temperature (ie. stored indoors at average room temp).
Having said that, I have, on occasion, had one or two bottles which have "gone off" in the jar and though still liquid (or semi-liquid), when stirred throroughly and reconstituted to a usable consistency, looked like a suspension of grains of cured paint rather than a usable paint.
2:1 thinner to paint is an acceptable mix. I have seen it suggested that when using a retarder, mix it with the thinner first before adding to the paint, rather than mixing the paint/thinner and adding the retarder afterwards.