Dear Friends,
I got a new Testors Air Brush System,
with a plastic Single/Double action
During my first painting test :
I was covering a model, with acrylic varnish (Future / Johnson and Johnson). I decided to finsh the varnishing process
and clean my airbrush....
I used Isopropyl Alcohol and some parts of
water, I left it soaking in a container,
when I came back to the room and saw the
container, the plastic cover from airbrush
had turned color. From semitransparent
blue into White .....
And exactly to the mark level of the liquid solution
of Isopropyl Alcohol and water.
The airbrush seems to work fine, but the
color is kind of wierd.......
I know there was a chemical reaction on
plastic with some kind of coumpunding....
But this kind of mixture of Alchol and water is
not so abrasive to cause such color Changes,
nor the type of varnish, since many modelers
use this to make finshes.
Does any one knows what may have happen
or has anyone experimented such thing??
I thought that Testor equipment was built to
resit more abrasive thiners and other kind of
I dont think I had abused the limits of my new