I agree with Tucohoward. It's a simple cleanup, but you're using lacquer thinner rather than Windex. I don't have a dedicated spray booth, but do have a modeling 'office' (spare bedroom that's set up as a mini man cave) where my assembly / painting desk is sitting right in front of the window. I've got a dual exhaust fan set up there that I fire up after the paint session is done to vent the room... running it during painting just seems to pull a lot of airborn crap into my paint finish. Organic vapor respirator, of course, and one of the cheap little Iwata 'cleaning stations' (it's a glass jar, essentially, with a rubber gasket to stick the airbrush in and cotton filter venting out the back. $20 at Hobby Lobby before any coupons.)
I've got a pretty good routine I've created over the last 2 models that have been painted almost entirely with Mr Color. I thin just enough paint for the task (haven't bothered with putting thinned paint back in the jar as I've been close enough in my estimates that it just hasn't been worth it), make sure I've got a stack of q-tips ready to go, three sheets or so of paper towel, and a shot glass 1/3 filled with Klean Strip. Paint away, shooting a half-dropper or so of Klean Strip between colors into the Iwata jar.
Once done, swab out the last little bit of paint from the cup with a paper towel, pull the cup, swab out the threads with a q-tip dipped in KS, and put in the clean cup (Grex Tritium side-mount). Shoot half a cup of KS into the jar. Pull the clean cup, swab out the chamber again, pull the needle and front cone. Clean and lube needle, swab chamber a third time now that the needle isn't there, and re-assemble. 10 minutes or so.
The only irritating part is the last step, thoroughly cleaning the paint cup pulled off in the first step. Drop a few drops of KS in, and run the little bristle brushes through the elbow tube. Go through half a dozen or so swabs dipped in KS. This can take another 10 minutes. At the end I've got a 10-15 dirty cotton swabs, 3-4 strips of dirty paper towel, and several used pipets depending on the number of color changes. Never leave the office. Two great things I bought for this process: a 1,000 count box of basic cotton swabs and a 100 count box of disposable pipets. $15 each through Amazon.
I live in the Dallas area. I don't go outside. Ever. Well, perhaps somewhat from November through March. If I had to go outside to spray I wouldn't be back in modeling.