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what is Alclad Trasparent Medium?

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what is Alclad Trasparent Medium?
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, February 14, 2004 4:07 PM
i always wanted to use the Alclad Transparent colors.
i wish to use blue, but i don't know if it comes out the shade or hugh that i'm looking for.

does anyone know where i can see a gallery or an example of these Alclad Transparent colors?

and what exactly is Alclad Transparent Medium?
i hear that you can use this to make different color pigments. but how does this work? it just look like a regular transparent clear paint or something. how does this suppose to change the pigment or the shades of a color?

can i make different shades of blue with this? i wish to have a colbalt blue or somewhat of an purplish blue type of transparent color.
and i have used tamiya clear blue. i don't like it. it's like light sky blue. and it's not shiny enough. well i guess i can use future. but still the color is not great for me.
any tips or info would do.

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