LOL but maybe you could have used petcock (let's see if that works). I used the Iwata Pistol Grip Moisture Filter attached to my AB for a while but, fortunately, don't have a moisture problem so rely on the trap on the regulator and not much from that when I drain it. To stay on topic about hoses, I was curious so did a little googling and here's what Badger says about AB hoses in their "Airbrush 101" pamphlet
"Air Hoses
BRAIDED air hoses are the most common and most durable type of airbrush hose. A braided air hose can handle over 100 psi
(more than enough for airbrushing). Braided air hoses are available with in-line moisture traps and quick disconnects.
CLEAR air hoses are best for airbrushing in environments where in-line moisture or contaminates may be a concern, because the
user can see any material passing through the hose before it reaches the airbrush. A clear air hose can handle up to 50 psi and
airbrush applications performed up to that pressure. Clear air hoses are available with moisture traps.
RECOIL air hoses are best for small work area airbrushing, because they stay out of the way. Recoil air hoses handle up to 50 psi
and can be used in airbrush applications performed up to that pressure.
VINYL air hoses handle up to 40 psi and are primarily for use with propel. Vinyl air hoses are not recommended for compressors."
Every thing I looked at stated that 'Braided' hoses are more durable.