I have just recently been buying model paint rather than mixing up artists paints, and I will never go back. Most of what I have is Tamiya, but I have to order it online as I can only find a few mini bottles where I live. I thin the Tamiya with alcohol, and I think it works very well, very little tip drying and easy clean up.
I can find Model Master acrylic at Hobby Lobby, so picked up a bottle today. I thinned it with distilled water (as I have read that many people do), and it sprayed well, but definitely dries more on the tip than the Tamiya. Not a big deal if I am keeping the flow high, but with a very low flow, I would have to open it up an blow out the tip occasionally.
But what is a real PIA for me, is that it dries up very hard on the inside of my paint cup. I have to really get in there and scrub to get it to break loose (lacquer thinner will of course break it down, but I don't like messing with something that hot). Is this common for MM? I have never bought any retarder, which sounds like just one more bottle of stuff to go out and buy and have on the counter.
I like having a local place I can buy paint, but the problems with clean up may rule out the MM for me. I understand Testors makes a thinner for their acrylic paints, maybe that would make a big difference in tip drying and clean up?
Thanks for any tips!