I use the X20A thinner currently, but I've heard of people using the lacquer thinner with Tamiya acrylics. Is that a thing? And if so, why?
I'm not sure but I think Tamiya's acrylics are more like water miscible lacquers so lacquer thinner works but, again, I'm not sure.
Regarding Future, it sounds like it's a good intermediate layer, too. So I can use it over a paint job before applying any enamel washes without risk of ruining my paint jobs, yeah? And have you (or anyone) tried using Future with an AB? I've heard it takes some work with regards to thinning and pressure. I am not sure on this, so any input here would be welcome.
Yes, Future is a good protective layer. I airbrush Future straight from the bottle without problems when using it as a base/overcoat. Some do thin it with about 25% alcohol or Windex but I haven't tried it. In fact, I sometimes use Future to thin craft acrylics for airbrushing. I use the same pressures I use for other acrylics (around 20 PSI) then clean the AB with Windex then water. Future has nice self-leveling properties. It's actually easy to use but to get a glossy finish you usually need several coats.
And regarding hand brushing, I could just buy some Vallejo paints to hand brush with I imagine...But any input here would also be great. I'm thinking more like the tiny details...Car hood ornaments, dashboard panels, door handles, etc.
My brush skills are terrible but when I do have to I use a fine Sable brush and craft acrylics straight from the bottle or with a little CAC 200 to thin slightly. Really not much help on this.