A lot depends on your budget and what you'll be painting but to get you started here are some thoughts:
$30-$40 Master G22 or G23 from TPC Global
$50-$75: Paasche H, AlcladII Accurate, or Badger 100 (lots of suppliers)
$100-$150: Iwata HPCR, Grex Genesis XG, Harder and Steenbeck Evolution Silverline, Badger Patriot. Iwata HPCS.
Personally I'd recommend a dual action airbrush with gravity feed though others prefer siphon feed. A compressor is a good investment and many are available at prices ranging from <$100 to several thousand. Have a look at TCP Gobal combination AB/compressor outfits on Ebay. Personally, I'd recommend a piston rather than diaphram compressor and one specifically for airbrushing rather a shop type. Askk questions about any specific ones mentioned and you can get lots of help here.