Then tried to thin the paint down but the "Gloss" is now more a "Matt" finish. Has anyone else had the same problem?
Considering that you mentioned Tamiya paints in your follow-up post, are we assuming that you're using Tamiya acrylics (though Tamiya enamels are also available in Australia)?
If you're using the acrylics, what are you using to thin them? If you are using water, which does work to an extent but is not recommended, Tamiya gloss acrylics will often dry to an eggshell (ie. semi-gloss) finish.
If this is the case, use Tamiya X-20A thinner, and if you can, buy it in the 250ml jugs, which by volume, are much cheaper than the little jars. If you are not averse to using something a little stronger, you can try Tamiya lacquer thinner, which is only available in 250ml jugs.
If you are using Tamiya flat acrylics, you can use methylated spirits.