Hey there
I just realised that on the Revell 1/72 HH-3E Jolly Green I'm building that I need to paint the top windows of the canopy green.
I have some Tamiya Clear Green and I'm wondering how to go about it.
Last time I used Tamiya Clear Green was on the 1/48 ESCI UH-1D rotorwash kindly sent me, and I just dipped the two top windows into the paint because they're separate and I could do that (turned OK in my opinion, although I had to have a couple of goes at it, stripping with Fairy power spray in between).
So I'm wondering if this time, especially as the canopy is a single piece so I can't dip it, if I can mask off the the canopy inside and out with Taymiya tape, apart from the two top windows and then airbrush the Tamiya Clear Green onto the top windows on the inside?
Any tips on doing this would be greatly appreciated.